On the third floor, which has been unused for years and years, I am working on rounding up the files that are meant to be kept permanently to transfer them to file cabinets downstairs. So I am weeding through tons and tons of pointless paperwork, throwing it into giant barrels to be shredded, and getting the important stuff boxed up. I am finding vintage office accessories, which is super exciting for me because I have a strange and inexplicable love for office-y things. Sometimes I need to take a break, so today I went on an explore and found an old darkroom. No windows, no electricity, so I had to go find a flashlight to see anything.
I found old photo printing paper, tons of photographs, darkroom equipment, and some miscellaneous less interesting things. My most promising find of the day was a big box of keys. They are all kind of the same, apparently from some sort of promotional event from years ago, but I will be looking for ideas for what to do with half of those keys. I'm sharing them with my favorite coworker who is also crafty and likes old junk.
Also, on keys, I found the key that opens a door that gives us rooftop access. We are planning a rooftop garden for the spring. Want a salad for lunch? There it is! We'll have someone cut some of the endless supply of barrels in half lengthwise, haul up dirt, and we will plant away. I've suggested a small wading pool and free range rooftop chickens, but that is apparently "going too far", ha ha.
This job, while I am sometimes very worn out from it, is the best job I've had, as far as the atmosphere. It's very calm, easygoing. They've given me a key to the fenced in yard so I can let my dogs run leash free, it's very flexible so I can work whatever days I choose, and there are no weekends or holidays at work. Also, it is only two blocks from my house, so it's super easy to get there and back. Also for Mr. Parker to bring me lunch.
Tonight I brought home tons of canvas samples. It's coated, so it can be used in a printer. But it's only
8.5 x 11.......I'm trying to think of some way to may something very cool with it.....an art project for the kids...I can print anything I want on it, so it's kind of like ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. I need a trip to the craft store to supplement my supplies first.....
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