This roof project is dragging on more than I would like. Also, I am thinking that these 'roofers' are not exactly super professional types. I am basing this judgment on the waste removal technique, the level of mess made/ left and also that these guys spend more time with their mouths hanging open than not. The whole thing has made me feel grumpy, all that noise.....
I made homemade clay for the boys tonight, they spent over an hour playing with it at the kitchen table. There were a number of arguments yesterday, between the kids, over what to watch on TV, so I've removed all cables connecting anything to anything else....they are in a shoe box in the back of my closet. So, the TV is effectively 'broken'. Anyway, I've been getting together various crafts and books and activities to keep their minds off of the TV situation, and today I've been very successful. I even let the kids paint their canvas shoes.
I got an update on a dog I fostered and adopted out for a local rescue organization. That dog was with us for over a year, NOBODY wanted him. He had been living on the streets in a pack. I brought home one of the dogs and continued to work with him at the shelter almost every day. He became so bonded to me, it was ridiculous. The shelter was not working for him, I could see him going downhill, and then he started biting. He was just so nervous, so afraid of everything. I said 'FUCK THIS' and brought him home, where he got so much better and was so much happier, but still, he was kind of a nervous guy, so no one wanted to adopt him. I finally found the right person, willing to overlook all his flaws, and just love him to pieces. It makes me happy to get the updates, and hear how he's doing. He's very well, catching rabbits in his yard, playing a lot of fetch, and getting a little spoiled.
Since I've dropped all the social stuff I was doing, I think I've actually become HAPPIER. I am spending more time with my kids, and planning redecorating and reorganizing my home to make it a CALMER place. I'm having more conversations (that don't have to do with kids or chores!) with my husband, who has honestly been feeling neglected for a while. I am so independent (selfish?) that sometimes I forget that people need people.
I have FINALLY gotten a dentist appointment through a free clinic. I have not been to the dentist many years, because I've never had dental insurance ('Murica!). It has been problematic because I have this strange dental problem: my wisdom teeth are coming in, but there is no room for them. I will routinely have pain, sometimes it makes my entire face bottom teeth are becoming crowded, undoing the thousands of dollars of dental work one when I was a teenager. I've been really worried I would end up being one of those people that DIES from some simple dental issue that never got taken care of because NO INSURANCE. I'm glad I found this resource, and I hope they can help me.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
My kids came home from their father's house today. I didn't really think they would be in until after dinner or so, but it was 4:00 when they came home. They are happy to be home. They do love that part of the family, but they feel a little uncomfortable around them because they are so different from what they are used to. Everything they think and say and the way they act, they are all...EXTREMELY different, and don't approve of the way the kids are being raised.
~On vegetarianism: "Oh Lord, honey, have some ham!" so the kids eat the ham, and then they pay for it by feeling unwell for a day and a half afterwards.
~On Religion: "Gracious! Y'all don't go to church?! How do you expect to get through life without JESUS?"
~On Urban Life: "I mean, can y'all even go outside much? How many shootings by your house?" We actually don't live in a bad part of the city. We live kind of close to some rough areas, but it is not dangerous in this part of the neighborhood. It does look dangerous if you're a racist, I guess. And sure, bad things happen, but they happen EVERYWHERE, even in the middle of nowhere.
They are, basically, good people who love my kids, they just don't understand anything about how I am raising the kids......
So we had a very small, stripped down Christmas. On Christmas day, it was just the three of us. We had popcorn and homemade hot cocoa and watched movies and baked cookies. And today, when the big kids came back, we handed out presents. I didn't cook a big meal, since I am still kind of reeling from that Thanksgiving dinner in which EVERYTHING, right down to the vegetable broth used in the stuffing, was homemade on that day. I didn't make anything in advance, thinking IF I START AT 6AM, IT WILL BE JUST FINE! I didn't take into account the stress involved in timing multiple dishes that require quite a bit of attention. So, simple dinner for Christmas, stress free. I was hoping for a little snow, it was forecast but never showed.
I've been absorbed by this family history project. I've gone back insanely far, into the 600s. What it looks like is that my ancestors were actually remarkable people (at least in title) and I am looking at a chart full of Earl of ___________ and Lady ___________ and dukes and countesses and barons and baronesses and so on. There are saints, and even a king of Austrasia. I did not ever even know that there WAS an Austrasia. Anyway, I thought it was too interesting to be true, I just assumed all of my ancestors were regular people from Germany. Blacksmiths and such. But there's so much more. Anyway, I was all OH MY GAWD THAT IS SO CRAZY because that is such a long way back to go and a king? For fucking REAL? I did some reading up on being descended from royalty types, and it turns out TONS AND TONS of people are descended from royalty and don't even know it, and it doesn't matter because even though I am in some crazy way related to Queen Elizabeth (I AM! How EXCITING!) it is not like we are going to hang out and drink tea, during which I would wonder I be able to call her 'Liz' while we drink Earl Grey. If you have any European in you at all, you are, 100% for sure, related to some monarch from way back. The thing is, those birth and death records were pretty well kept (it seems), so once you get to someone 'important' it is cake. The hardest part, for me, was just getting past 1900 or so because I know absolutely nothing about my family......anyway, it does not matter who I am descended from, it just makes for a good story. Also, it alleviates the sick feeling I had reading the wills of my Southern ancestors, in which they left their slaves to various family members just like they would their wedding china or grandfather clocks. I mean, everyone KNOWS that's how it was back then.....but seeing it documented gave me a great big case of guilt and shame and my stomach turned a little, and I had kind of hoped I had come from something better than that.
On Gratitude
At the beginning of the year, I was feeling a little pessimistic about life. Things were hard, it was hectic and money was tight and I felt like I was missing out on a lot of things because of our financial situation. I saw something somewhere on the internet about a memory jar. It was in response to people who write blog posts and Facebook status updates about how AMAZING their year was, what with meeting movie stars, dining with politicians, marrying their soul mates, traveling to some amazing country, winning the lottery, buying their dream house, WHATEVER......and you read that stuff and think MY LIFE SUCKS. THANKS FOR SHARING, ASSHOLE.
Anyway, I didn't have an empty jar, but I did have a wine bottle on my kitchen counter, so I used that. Throughout the year, I wrote things that made me happy on little scraps of paper and stuffed them in the bottle. There are a couple of big things, sure, like selling some photographs and getting a compliment on my work from a famous artist. Most of them, though, are just regular day to day things that made me feel really HAPPY. That bottle got pretty full this year, and I'm looking forward to breaking it open and remembering all of the good from 2013. After I'm done reading and reminiscing, I'll put all of those scraps in a little box or envelope, mark it 2013, and save it forever.
It was a worthwhile exercise in gratitude, one I'll do again and again. That bottle sat on my writing desk, with a box of card stock and scraps of pretty paper and a pen next to it. When I would sit down to do whatever, I would see it and think about the good things that happened that day, looking for the goodness.
It was a worthwhile exercise in gratitude, one I'll do again and again. That bottle sat on my writing desk, with a box of card stock and scraps of pretty paper and a pen next to it. When I would sit down to do whatever, I would see it and think about the good things that happened that day, looking for the goodness.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Catching Up
If there is anything that will make me feel like the absolute lowest of the low, it is this: Today, while in a hurry to get one of my dogs out the door and on her walk, I accidentally closed the door on her tail. Not all the way, but enough to make her yelp. She went on her walk as she normally does, so I thought maybe I had just startled her, and not actually caught her tail. But then, she got into my geriatric dog's crate, and was all shivery. I know that I have at the very least badly bruised her tail. She has spent the entire day subdued. She did wag her tail some, she is eating and drinking, and able to lift her tail to potty. But she is subdued, and I feel awful. Just....sick over it. It's not broken, just badly bruised, so there's nothing to be done about it but leave her be and let her heal. Meanwhile I am beating myself up over it, feeling the worst guilt. Mr. Parker keeps reminding me it was just an accident, but it makes no difference in how bad I feel.
Cailey and Justin will not be home until Thursday evening, so it's me and Kieran hanging out. We're having a great time. We're doing art projects, making some Christmas gifts, and making cookies. I was working on my January menu when he decided he would cut pictures of food out of magazines and glue them to a giant poster board to help. They are meant to serve as inspiration while I sit here and think of what to cook for dinner every night in January without repeating a single meal. It can be done!
I am not feeling Christmas this year. I am actually having this huge AVERSION to it. The whole consumerist thing, and all. I have not decorated, there's no tree or anything. We did buy some gifts, but only for our kids. Last year I SWORE I was going to do something super adorable for EVERYONE! I was going to knit scarves and buy little mugs and fill them with packets of HOMEMADE HOT COCOA MIX. Make flavored vodkas for my drinking friends, homemade vanilla extract for my baking friends. Even the MAIL CARRIER was going to get something! But then that all just fizzled out, and I didn't even feel like doing anything at all. And now here it is, practically Christmas, and I've gotten gifts and cards and I have done absolutely nothing for anyone but my kids, and that was minimal because I no longer want to instill that thing that Christmas is going to be some insane frenzy of acquisition of THINGS. No, we will hang out together, cook food and talk and maybe watch some Christmas movies.....Anyway, the whole thing is making me feel kind of like a very grumpy woman and I feel not so great about not giving gifts to friends, but I did say I wasn't going to really do Christmas this year...........
I've been working on my family tree. What I've determined is that it's best to see the records for yourself and don't rely on anyone's family tree. I think that when people are doing this kind of thing, especially going back so far. I found some quite remarkable ancestors, I mean, IMPRESSIVE really. I was more than a little excited to think I was related to some of these people, even if they have been dead hundreds of years. But then, I dug a little more, and it turned out to be not true at all. All that remarkableness had absolutely zero records to back it up, and someone who is related to me in some kind of way, working on the same line, says that more than once it has happened to him. People want to be related to remarkable people. Naturally. It makes for a good story to tell anyway. The only remarkable story I've found with the facts to back it up is some ancestors who came from Germany in the late 1600s and founded a town, which is still there. It's a small town, and it's on one of those historic tour things.....I also like knowing where my ancestors came from. Germany, Ireland, Wales, England.....Everyone in my family always said Germany for sure, but beyond that no one really knew for sure, or even suspected anything else. I have 500+ names so far....I wish I could know their stories. What were they like? Why did they leave their homes to start over here in the US? I have questions for almost every person in my tree....
In the time I sat here writing this post, my sweet dog has gone from lying about looking like the most pitiful thing alive, to being up and walking around wagging her tail just like normal. RELIEF.
Cailey and Justin will not be home until Thursday evening, so it's me and Kieran hanging out. We're having a great time. We're doing art projects, making some Christmas gifts, and making cookies. I was working on my January menu when he decided he would cut pictures of food out of magazines and glue them to a giant poster board to help. They are meant to serve as inspiration while I sit here and think of what to cook for dinner every night in January without repeating a single meal. It can be done!
I am not feeling Christmas this year. I am actually having this huge AVERSION to it. The whole consumerist thing, and all. I have not decorated, there's no tree or anything. We did buy some gifts, but only for our kids. Last year I SWORE I was going to do something super adorable for EVERYONE! I was going to knit scarves and buy little mugs and fill them with packets of HOMEMADE HOT COCOA MIX. Make flavored vodkas for my drinking friends, homemade vanilla extract for my baking friends. Even the MAIL CARRIER was going to get something! But then that all just fizzled out, and I didn't even feel like doing anything at all. And now here it is, practically Christmas, and I've gotten gifts and cards and I have done absolutely nothing for anyone but my kids, and that was minimal because I no longer want to instill that thing that Christmas is going to be some insane frenzy of acquisition of THINGS. No, we will hang out together, cook food and talk and maybe watch some Christmas movies.....Anyway, the whole thing is making me feel kind of like a very grumpy woman and I feel not so great about not giving gifts to friends, but I did say I wasn't going to really do Christmas this year...........
I've been working on my family tree. What I've determined is that it's best to see the records for yourself and don't rely on anyone's family tree. I think that when people are doing this kind of thing, especially going back so far. I found some quite remarkable ancestors, I mean, IMPRESSIVE really. I was more than a little excited to think I was related to some of these people, even if they have been dead hundreds of years. But then, I dug a little more, and it turned out to be not true at all. All that remarkableness had absolutely zero records to back it up, and someone who is related to me in some kind of way, working on the same line, says that more than once it has happened to him. People want to be related to remarkable people. Naturally. It makes for a good story to tell anyway. The only remarkable story I've found with the facts to back it up is some ancestors who came from Germany in the late 1600s and founded a town, which is still there. It's a small town, and it's on one of those historic tour things.....I also like knowing where my ancestors came from. Germany, Ireland, Wales, England.....Everyone in my family always said Germany for sure, but beyond that no one really knew for sure, or even suspected anything else. I have 500+ names so far....I wish I could know their stories. What were they like? Why did they leave their homes to start over here in the US? I have questions for almost every person in my tree....
In the time I sat here writing this post, my sweet dog has gone from lying about looking like the most pitiful thing alive, to being up and walking around wagging her tail just like normal. RELIEF.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
On Family History
I know nothing, really, about my family history. It's not something anyone talked about when I was growing up. Maybe they, themselves, were never even curious about it. I started the project YEARS ago, and then dropped it because stuff like that can be expensive. But the other day, I picked it back up again.
I've found out about all kinds of people I never even knew existed.....And the most interesting thing is that I am a direct descendant of someone who was knighted by Henry II. That's a ridiculously long way back, all the way to the 1160s, but the stuff is all there, many other people did that work, and I was lucky enough to have stumbled upon it.
Some of the branched are difficult, there not being anyone else that is working on them, publicly, at least, and a lot of records aren't available...I can;t find anything about certain people, even using all the TIPS AND HINTS given.
I've found some things I am ashamed of, some unpleasant things, but also some people that seem like they would make for a good story.
Anyway, it's a project that has totally sucked me in and made me completely unaware of the things around me. Dishes in the sink? I am SO BUSY! My OCD has a new focus now. I realize that I could work on this forever and ever, and probably never be done, but my fervor will settle down.
My heritage, which has always been something no one really KNEW (Oh, um....German, I'm sure!)....I have found out that my ancestors came here from Wales, Germany, England, and France. What I'm really interested in finding out about is also my ex husband's family tree. Someone, years ago, showed up with a stack of papers, saying that they were direct descendants of some pretty famous Native American people. I was promised copies, which I never got, so I'll have to do my own digging on that one. I am working on Mr. Parker's ancestry, too. So far, nothing especially interesting there, except for some exceptionally pretty names among the women of his family.
I've found out about all kinds of people I never even knew existed.....And the most interesting thing is that I am a direct descendant of someone who was knighted by Henry II. That's a ridiculously long way back, all the way to the 1160s, but the stuff is all there, many other people did that work, and I was lucky enough to have stumbled upon it.
Some of the branched are difficult, there not being anyone else that is working on them, publicly, at least, and a lot of records aren't available...I can;t find anything about certain people, even using all the TIPS AND HINTS given.
I've found some things I am ashamed of, some unpleasant things, but also some people that seem like they would make for a good story.
Anyway, it's a project that has totally sucked me in and made me completely unaware of the things around me. Dishes in the sink? I am SO BUSY! My OCD has a new focus now. I realize that I could work on this forever and ever, and probably never be done, but my fervor will settle down.
My heritage, which has always been something no one really KNEW (Oh, um....German, I'm sure!)....I have found out that my ancestors came here from Wales, Germany, England, and France. What I'm really interested in finding out about is also my ex husband's family tree. Someone, years ago, showed up with a stack of papers, saying that they were direct descendants of some pretty famous Native American people. I was promised copies, which I never got, so I'll have to do my own digging on that one. I am working on Mr. Parker's ancestry, too. So far, nothing especially interesting there, except for some exceptionally pretty names among the women of his family.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Binder
I've got a giant binder, lots of dividers, sheet protectors, etc. I've created my daily and weekly schedules that will last a couple of months, until gardening season starts up and I'll need a new one. What I've found is that if I follow my schedule, there will be no more insane cleaning days on the weekend, because all that shit will be DONE. There will be no more fighting with the kids to clean their rooms, because that shit will also be done. As a matter of fact, all sorts of shit will be done, and I've found time where I can have TIME for me. It is RIGHT THERE in my DAILY SCHEDULE. It is, really, a phenomenal amount of shit that will get done, I know when and how and who will do it, and I will not be running myself ragged anymore. Because I am tired. I will even have a day scheduled once a month for picture taking.
So what's in this Great Big Wondrous Binder of Planning and Organization? Everything!
*Daily notes/ planner, to make quick notes about something I need to do, or note when I did something I need to keep track of (phone calls, emails, bread feeding, etc)
*the meal section with meal planners, recipes, delivery menus, notes on who will not/cannot eat what food
*Family info includes social security numbers, clothing sizes, notes on what sort of clothes they prefer, shoes sizes, birthdays, gift ideas
*school information from my daughter's school. her schedule, list of teachers and their contact info
planner for the homeschooling stuff, including reading logs, hours logged, etc
*garden planner, a list of things I want to grow, I've started mapping out each square foot with companion planting in mind, what I learned from last year's garden, and a ginormous to do list to ready the garden for spring planting, and a project list for painting pots and building an herb garden on my balcony
*a pet care section, with vet info, emergency vet info, and a section for each type of animal in our care. Since
I am always rescuing kittens or cats, I have a list of cat rescues listed in order of likeliness to help me. Also, the dog food recipe so I am not the only one that can make it, and a list of what 'people food' is safe for each pet. I make my own dog food ALL the time, sometimes cat food, and while the chickens can get kitchen scraps they can't get things like garlic and onions. Also, how much food to give each pet at feeding time, how to clean the chicken coop, things like that.
*Contact information, divided into personal, business/ financial, and medical/ dental, utility
*an entertainment section, divided into books, movies, music we want, craft activities for the kids divided up by season, places to go and how to get there via public transit, date night ideas for me & Mr. Parker, and a schedule of free events at museums that would be good for the kids, whether it's for fun or learning.
*An exercise planner. because it is time for me to go back to taking care of myself. Back to yoga and maybe even the Couch to 5K thing. If not the 5K, then more vigorous dog walking, that's for sure.
*The budget section, so as to account for what money will go where and when bills need to be paid.
*a home project section, listing all the things I want to do to here at Ampersand, like painting the living room or refinishing a table, complete with materials lists. Also, home decorating ideas because that's my big project for the year, every room needs an update. And a DEADLINE. It must be done as inexpensively as possible, and with as much up-cycled materials as possible.
*a list of places and abandoned buildings I want to find my way to for picture taking purposes
*a cleaning section: a comprehensive list for each and every room, so that I can say "Clean the _______ while I am at work" and no one can say "Oh, I didn't know you meant for me to do THAT, too"
As I look at this binder full of schedules and plans, I am pretty proud of myself for putting it together. It was hours of work, and it's not done yet, but it will definitely be a big help and WORTH IT. There are chore lists for each child, even my 5 year old has some stuff to do. They do help now (mostly with supervising chickens having their free time or taking out the little dog or feeding the cats, but there is a little more they can do without feeling overwhelmed. I cannot think why I didn't do all of this a long time ago.
So what's in this Great Big Wondrous Binder of Planning and Organization? Everything!
*Daily notes/ planner, to make quick notes about something I need to do, or note when I did something I need to keep track of (phone calls, emails, bread feeding, etc)
*the meal section with meal planners, recipes, delivery menus, notes on who will not/cannot eat what food
*Family info includes social security numbers, clothing sizes, notes on what sort of clothes they prefer, shoes sizes, birthdays, gift ideas
*school information from my daughter's school. her schedule, list of teachers and their contact info
planner for the homeschooling stuff, including reading logs, hours logged, etc
*garden planner, a list of things I want to grow, I've started mapping out each square foot with companion planting in mind, what I learned from last year's garden, and a ginormous to do list to ready the garden for spring planting, and a project list for painting pots and building an herb garden on my balcony
*a pet care section, with vet info, emergency vet info, and a section for each type of animal in our care. Since
I am always rescuing kittens or cats, I have a list of cat rescues listed in order of likeliness to help me. Also, the dog food recipe so I am not the only one that can make it, and a list of what 'people food' is safe for each pet. I make my own dog food ALL the time, sometimes cat food, and while the chickens can get kitchen scraps they can't get things like garlic and onions. Also, how much food to give each pet at feeding time, how to clean the chicken coop, things like that.
*Contact information, divided into personal, business/ financial, and medical/ dental, utility
*an entertainment section, divided into books, movies, music we want, craft activities for the kids divided up by season, places to go and how to get there via public transit, date night ideas for me & Mr. Parker, and a schedule of free events at museums that would be good for the kids, whether it's for fun or learning.
*An exercise planner. because it is time for me to go back to taking care of myself. Back to yoga and maybe even the Couch to 5K thing. If not the 5K, then more vigorous dog walking, that's for sure.
*The budget section, so as to account for what money will go where and when bills need to be paid.
*a home project section, listing all the things I want to do to here at Ampersand, like painting the living room or refinishing a table, complete with materials lists. Also, home decorating ideas because that's my big project for the year, every room needs an update. And a DEADLINE. It must be done as inexpensively as possible, and with as much up-cycled materials as possible.
*a list of places and abandoned buildings I want to find my way to for picture taking purposes
*a cleaning section: a comprehensive list for each and every room, so that I can say "Clean the _______ while I am at work" and no one can say "Oh, I didn't know you meant for me to do THAT, too"
As I look at this binder full of schedules and plans, I am pretty proud of myself for putting it together. It was hours of work, and it's not done yet, but it will definitely be a big help and WORTH IT. There are chore lists for each child, even my 5 year old has some stuff to do. They do help now (mostly with supervising chickens having their free time or taking out the little dog or feeding the cats, but there is a little more they can do without feeling overwhelmed. I cannot think why I didn't do all of this a long time ago.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Getting Organized. Seriously.
Life is feeling a little hectic. I mean, there's really quite a lot on my plate, and I often feel completely overwhelmed. As soon as I wake up, I am running. I get the dogs outside for quick walks, clean the chicken coop and feed/ water the chickens, get the kids awake and fed, start our homeschooling day while cleaning up from breakfast, errands, lunch, cleaning up some more, more dog walking, send the boys outside to play and let the chickens run around, dinner, make sure my daughter's homework is getting done, dinner clean up, bath time, story time, bed time, more dog walking, litter box scooping and cat care, and then I get some me time. Maybe.
The two days a week that I work, I kind of have to squeeze a lot of stuff into my 5:30PM-1:00AM time slot. And housecleaning days? It's ridiculous. Mr. Parker helps as much as he can, but really it is almost like I am a single parent through the day because he's sleeping since he works overnights, so two days a week he can help out. That is when stuff gets done that I can't/ didn't get done. The kids help some too, but I've realized that I have been so busy just DOING STUFF and feeling like I am the only one that CAN do stuff, I forgot that I have three capable children who can do chores other than the most basic of chores. I'm not doing them any favors by not letting them help out a little more around the house.
I have been driving myself crazy for years not being as organized as I should be, not being able to find contact info for people/places, remembering doctor's appointments at the last minute (which is really bad when you don't drive and only use public transit and causes a lot of rescheduling and making of excuses), procrastinating because I am so busy doing other things. Also, the whole WHAT'S FOR DINNER? Thing. Almost every day I dread dinner because I don't know what to make, I have to run to the store for something, it is just unpleasant.
I used to have it DOWN. I used to plan menus by the month, and we never had the same meal twice in a month. I had my shopping list down, I never had to go to the store because I had forgotten something. I had breakfast stuff ready to go before bed, so when I woke it was easy to get started. I cooked extra at dinner so I could freeze some for lunch another day. I scheduled field trips, play dates, and library days for story time and I NEVER had overdue library books. I had baking days so there were always homemade muffins/ cookies/ breads in the house. I planned EVERYTHING. It was a lot of work, but my days were relatively stress free. I knew how much time it took me to do something, got it done, and moved on to the next thing. Geez, I was even THIN then, because I SCHEDULED MY EXERCISE TIME.
It might sound a little crazy to some people. But when you're home schooling, things need to be planned. And now? I have even more people, because I have another kid now, and more animals to care for and clean up after. I miss having that discipline. I miss having that order.
So in comes my massive overstock of office supplies I bought with the intention of getting super organized. A giant binder, some dividers, lots of paper, sheet protectors, etc. I am getting to work. I have two weeks to get it done, because I want to start the new year borderline psychotically organized.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
At work....and then some things I want to do
On the third floor, which has been unused for years and years, I am working on rounding up the files that are meant to be kept permanently to transfer them to file cabinets downstairs. So I am weeding through tons and tons of pointless paperwork, throwing it into giant barrels to be shredded, and getting the important stuff boxed up. I am finding vintage office accessories, which is super exciting for me because I have a strange and inexplicable love for office-y things. Sometimes I need to take a break, so today I went on an explore and found an old darkroom. No windows, no electricity, so I had to go find a flashlight to see anything.
I found old photo printing paper, tons of photographs, darkroom equipment, and some miscellaneous less interesting things. My most promising find of the day was a big box of keys. They are all kind of the same, apparently from some sort of promotional event from years ago, but I will be looking for ideas for what to do with half of those keys. I'm sharing them with my favorite coworker who is also crafty and likes old junk.
Also, on keys, I found the key that opens a door that gives us rooftop access. We are planning a rooftop garden for the spring. Want a salad for lunch? There it is! We'll have someone cut some of the endless supply of barrels in half lengthwise, haul up dirt, and we will plant away. I've suggested a small wading pool and free range rooftop chickens, but that is apparently "going too far", ha ha.
This job, while I am sometimes very worn out from it, is the best job I've had, as far as the atmosphere. It's very calm, easygoing. They've given me a key to the fenced in yard so I can let my dogs run leash free, it's very flexible so I can work whatever days I choose, and there are no weekends or holidays at work. Also, it is only two blocks from my house, so it's super easy to get there and back. Also for Mr. Parker to bring me lunch.
Tonight I brought home tons of canvas samples. It's coated, so it can be used in a printer. But it's only
8.5 x 11.......I'm trying to think of some way to may something very cool with art project for the kids...I can print anything I want on it, so it's kind of like ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. I need a trip to the craft store to supplement my supplies first.....
I found old photo printing paper, tons of photographs, darkroom equipment, and some miscellaneous less interesting things. My most promising find of the day was a big box of keys. They are all kind of the same, apparently from some sort of promotional event from years ago, but I will be looking for ideas for what to do with half of those keys. I'm sharing them with my favorite coworker who is also crafty and likes old junk.
Also, on keys, I found the key that opens a door that gives us rooftop access. We are planning a rooftop garden for the spring. Want a salad for lunch? There it is! We'll have someone cut some of the endless supply of barrels in half lengthwise, haul up dirt, and we will plant away. I've suggested a small wading pool and free range rooftop chickens, but that is apparently "going too far", ha ha.
This job, while I am sometimes very worn out from it, is the best job I've had, as far as the atmosphere. It's very calm, easygoing. They've given me a key to the fenced in yard so I can let my dogs run leash free, it's very flexible so I can work whatever days I choose, and there are no weekends or holidays at work. Also, it is only two blocks from my house, so it's super easy to get there and back. Also for Mr. Parker to bring me lunch.
Tonight I brought home tons of canvas samples. It's coated, so it can be used in a printer. But it's only
8.5 x 11.......I'm trying to think of some way to may something very cool with art project for the kids...I can print anything I want on it, so it's kind of like ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. I need a trip to the craft store to supplement my supplies first.....
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
On My Hair, Which Has Given Me Great Difficulty
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That's me. On the right. |
My hair has been unruly since the onset of puberty. It had been mostly straight with a little bit of wave to it, but then it began to get increasingly curly/ wild. There's curl, but there's wave too. It is not the same over my entire head. It's coarse, like a horse's mane.
When I was little, I had a black friend. She had tiny braids all over her head, with the colored beads at the end. clickclickclick I LOVED the sound of those beads clicking together when she moved her head. I loved all those colors in her hair. She had foil at the bottom of each braid, and her mom would remove the foil, and change the colors of the beads sometimes to match an outfit. I so badly wanted that hair. My mother would not hear of it.
When I was a kid, I met Lita Ford. I was completely starstruck, and upon returning home decided I must bleach my hair blonde and dye part of it black. It was permitted. And from then on, I colored my hair. Cherry plum was my favorite, and then I met some Manic Panic shades, and started up with some blues and purples and greens. I've had browns, blondes, reds, black (a MISTAKE)........and even, for a while, had my very own natural hair color. I'm working on that again, now, going natural. It is not easy or graceful. Nut I am so done always trying to find hair color that is the right shade for me, worrying about roots and upkeep and special conditioners and shampoos.
I used to get my hair permed, to make it curly all over, the exact same curliness all over. I've straightened it daily with a flat iron, If it could be done to hair, I have done it. Even when it is in its completely natural state, it does not have the nice texture. I know, because I buzzed it all off to see if it would grow back softer, calmer, prettier. It was exactly the same. And I did not leave the house for three months without a hat. It was such a freeing thing, though, to have so little hair. Wash it! Done! No product, no styling, nothing. Just....had to have a hat. It was not a flattering look for me.
Anyway, it's coarse. And for some reason, everyone always thinks they have the perfect recipe of products for me to put on my hair to make it 'nice'. To 'calm it down a little'. I have tried everything. It is what it is. And now I am letting it go completely natural. Letting the silver hairs be, letting it curl, letting all the fake color grow out. Relief.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
It appears I am quite boring, and will talk about the weather and my chickens and my cooking habits
I am going to complain about the cold for the entire winter. I really am. Tomorrow night they are forecasting 7 degrees Fahrenheit.....We were enchanted by our home, in this little art district. Its exposed brick wall and old windows being so full of character. Exposed brick walls mean it will be cold in winter and hot in summer. That 'living in an oven' effect is, unfortunately, not in effect in the winter. We are all wearing a sweatshirts and sleeping under an extra blanket. And 7 degrees is under my limit I set for my chickens. I don't think they will stress too much if I bring them inside and put them in a giant dog crate with some hay, and throw a blanket over the whole set up to let them know it is time to sleep. I can't leave them outside, not in their state of undress. Feathers are everywhere, the quills being all they have to keep them warm.
It has been recommended by one of Mr. Parker's coworkers that I sell my baked goods. Ah, it was the bread that did it. Sometimes, my bread turns out awful, sometimes it's near perfect. I cannot figure out what it is I am doing wrong when the brad turns out not quite so great, or what it is that makes it turn out to the satisfaction of the family. When even my 'selective eater' enjoys it, I know it's a success. Anyway, this time, it was a success, I am flattered he had such a high opinion of it, since he likes to cook, too.
I am not an orderly cook, nor do I follow recipes. Except for baked goods. Sometimes, though, I do experiment with muffins and cookies, the sweet stuff. But never the bread, unless I switch up herbs or something.
When I cook other things, I look at what sort of seasonings are meant to be used in that particular cuisine, and then just wing it. Almost always, the food is delicious. When asked for the recipe, I can tell the person what I put into it, but never how much. So there they are, wanting to make something I have made, and I am all JUST THROW (insert list here) INTO A POT AND COOK IT UP! It's also a problem when my kids really love something I made and I cannot, no matter how hard I try, duplicate it exactly the way it was. If I were not so lazy, I would take notes as I cooked.
I am lazy though, and I've never been able to make some dishes again. Once, I made the most fantastic spaghetti sauce I'd ever had in my life. I went out to my garden, tons of things were ready to be picked. I brought tons of stuff inside...washed it, peeled it, diced it, sauteed some stuff, then simmered it all together. At the end of the cooking, I threw in a bunch of chopped fresh herbs from the garden. Some of them, I don't even know what they were (I am not so good at labeling what I plant, overconfident in my herb identification skills at the start of spring)......So there was a perfect, quick spaghetti sauce I will never have again. I think a lot of the deliciousness came from everything being fresh picked, but I wonder at the combination/ratio of herbs and the ratio of tomatoes to onions to zucchini to eggplant to whatever else was in that pot. Haphazardness!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
A myriad of things, nothing special, though
We went to check out the Christmas shop for ideas of things to make, and then the open air market where they sell a ton of home made candies, cookies, cakes, soup mixes, jams & jellies, tons of stuff. I never take anything home from there, but I do like to look for ideas. I'm regretting not having taken my camera. Everywhere I go, I should take that thing with
My job is to go through a ton of really REALLY old files, find the important stuff, and bring it down from the 3rd floor to be properly filed away. I am filling a 55 gallon barrel almost every day with things that are no longer needed. I am finding things that should have been put in the safe YEARS AGO but never were. I am also finding things that are things I want to bring home. Metal file boxes meant for various sizes of index cards in a variety of colors, file trays for desktop use, Rolodexes, organizing trays, all in a variety of 1970ish colors. Also, a HUGE amount of canvas, coated and ready to be put through an inkjet printer. Or painted on, depending on the day I guess. They're all samples, coated with discontinued formulas, so they are useless to the company at this point. Also, the vintage office accessories are going to be coming home with me. Because they are AWESOME and will fit perfectly with my home office space.
Tomorrow will be insanely busy, a doctor's appointment, bread baking (banana and pumpkin), cookie baking....I know that I will need a lot of coffee tomorrow. I want to make red velvet cookies, I have never made them before and need a good recipe. Those will go to work with me. There are a lot of people I am baking for this year, and I found a bunch of packaging ideas here. Adorable stuff!
My hair was waist length, thick, and curly. It hasn't been cut in a while, and I was ready to take a bunch of it off. What happens is, I am a busy person. My hair is often just an in the way kind of thing and I don't like to spend time on it. Unless I am going somewhere nice, I won't. It gets wrapped up in a bun. It is coarse and curly and takes more time and effort than I am willing to spend on it. So today, I decided to cut it. It was time, and I am trying to make it a little easier to deal with. I have no idea WHY I was letting it grow so long, anyway. I washed and conditioned it, combed it all to the top of my head and put it in a ponytail. Then I cut straight across the end of that ponytail. My first and second cuts didn't get rid of quite enough length for me, so I did it a third time and it was just right. I am never paying for a haircut again. If I had super straight hair, I would probably not recommend doing it this way, but the curly hair? It is super forgiving.
It is too cold NOW, but I have a ton of knit pieces that really need to go up. I am thinking about taking a hiatus from yarn bombing until spring, and just spend the winter knitting. Also, I am thinking that I want to put stuff up in completely different places. I have spent so much effort on a particular street in my neighborhood which is where EVERYONE goes, but I think somewhere else would be a good idea. Like I said , I really think I would like to spread it around a little bit. That one particular street has become something I care far less about than I used to. There are a few other places I would like to do, like the daycare center down the street, or even something downtown. Although if downtown, it would not stay up for long.....
save money,
Saturday, December 7, 2013
On Chickens, and Gardening
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The Feathers: Vivian, Dorothy, Kate. Urban chickens are awesome. |
I have been wanting chickens for quite a while. One thing or another has always held me back from getting them, though. Over the summer, a friend of mine decided she needed to have some time with far less to tend, so she rehomed all of her urban farm animals. The pigs went to her brother's farm, I took some chickens, and a friend of mine took the rest.
Living in a region of the country that can be miserable hot in the summer and bitter cold in the winter, you need to have a chicken tolerant to those extremes. Naked Neck chickens, sometimes called turkens. They are not, as their name would imply, part turkey. I was a little stunned at first, because I had imagined having chickens that were....cuter. But these grew on me, they have the best personalities. Even though the have a lot fewer feathers than other breeds, they deal well with the cold. I am uncomfortable leaving them outside when it's bitter. We had a daytime temperature that was in the 60s, but it dropped to 13F overnight. I put the chickens in a dog crate in the basement, I was so worried. Experienced chicken people laughed and laughed and laughed at me for that. Because apparently THEY ARE FINE in the cold.
They aren't difficult to take care of. When I get up in the morning, I go clean up their house, and let them have some free range time in the back yard. Even though we don't have a fence all the way around the yard, they don't leave the yard at all. I change their water daily, fill their feeder, and throw in fresh bedding as needed. When they are laying, I get 2 or 3 eggs a day, which is enough for us since not everyone in the house likes eggs. I didn't buy any eggs all summer.
They are docile. They now let me pick them up and hold them, even if they don't enjoy it much. They do come see me for snacks they will eat out of my hand. Their favorite? Shredded cheddar cheese. Dorothy? she will hop up and down for it. They also like to eat tomatoes from the garden, so next year chicken wire will be needed for all but one I will plant just for them. They will chase me around the yard, clucking like mad, if I have cheese or tomatoes. Their personalities are ridiculously adorable.
They get their free range time multiple times throughout the day. And when we say "Time to go home!" those chickens go right in. In the beginning it was not so easy. I had to herd them every time, and endure a play by play from a neighbor. "She's going right, they're too fast for her, they're splitting up to give her a hard time. OH JESUS LOOK AT EM GO"
Their care is simple. Their antics are delightful. I am no longer buying store-bought eggs because those eggs come from chickens that are not even treated like living creatures. Chicken poop is a great fertilizer, they eat bugs I don't want around, and again, those eggs are beautiful.
Between the chicken and the garden, we have a real connection to where our food comes from. All the planning, tilling, planting, care, and harvest, and they understand what goes into the majority of food we eat. It's a little easier to get them to try new things if it's something they grew themselves.
Next year, I hope, will be the best yet. I'm already poring over my seed catalogs, planning for herbs on the balcony, sun chokes along the driveway, squashes along the fences, container gardens along the sidewalk....I have BIG plans.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Really awesome stuff happened today, also a sad thing
I woke up in one of those OHMAHGAWD I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO TODAY moods in which I dread EVERYthing. Sometimes, taking care of all these pets is exhausting. But always worth it, always always always. It was a very no bullshit kind of work day, lots of shopping and cleaning and cooking and maintaining. But when I get started, and seeing the accomplishment, I start feeling pretty damn cheerful.
I tended the chickens, at the same time I shared some Fritos with my kid. Two of the chickens were clucking at me the whole time to just give them some chips already. I did let them try them, even though they are not healthy, but just a little bit since it delights me so much to have them eat out of my hand.
I made a batch of dog food. I noticed some changes in all three of my dogs since I started feeding them human quality food. My senior dog is more energetic. They all are, but the difference in her is really something. Shinier coats, healthier teeth, and I feed them less. I'm not sure if I'm actually saving money, but I'm pretty sure they are healthier. I don't have to worry so much about recalls on dog foods, treats, or anything like that. I make their food, once a week, and store some in the fridge and some in the freezer. Their treat are organ meats and dehydrated fruits and veggies. No chemicals, no preservatives, it is an awesome thing indeed.
So Finn was born with a deformity. Being short on funds, and feeling that a veterinary evaluation was imperative, I started begging people for money to help out. He was born to a rescued stray, after all. People were happy to chip in. I began corresponding with some people at a kind-of local veterinary college. "Nothing we can do, needs x-rays", and then a veterinary clinic, which advised me to euthanize the little guy. Mama did not reject him, and he was larger and stronger than the rest of the little. He was nursing well, and lovable. I thought euthanizing was not an option. All the creatures have value. People use special needs pets as therapy pets for special needs people, he is still loving and worthy of love. So I kept on collecting. I noticed though, that his legs seemed to be self correcting. And today, I was able to return every cent given to me for his vet care. His little legs are almost all the way straight. They may always be a little wonky, but they are nowhere near what they were. I am super happy. I thought I would have to enlist a friend to build a wheeled cart for him, I thought no one would want him, I was really worried about all the problems he would have as he grew older, and my heart was breaking. But now! Amazing progress. I didn't take a picture though. Maybe over the weekend.
Sometimes I am disappointed in people as a whole. I am poor. I really am. We scrape by, and do the best we can. We rarely buy new things, I am super thrifty. I refuse to allow our financial disadvantages to define us, to limit us any more than necessary. It's a hard thing, but money is just money. I recognize that while we are in dire financial straits NOW, it is not a permanent thing. While we are not able to eat out, and every penny counts and there is no carelessness with money, we have a roof over our heads, functioning utilities, food to eat. We are OKAY. We are, in many ways, thriving because of it. Building character, learning new things. If we had loads of money, would I know anything about baking? gardening? chicken keeping? cooking from scratch? Would I be as strong as I am now? No.
*Disclaimer: I am so not being sanctimonious. I am just sharing.
ANYWAY, I was with my 5 year old, we had just gone to the Redbox to rent a movie, when I decided to stop in at the store to see about some new kitchen utensils. Rubber spatulas or something, you know. My stuff is getting worn down, I wanted to replace some stuff. There was a man standing outside the door, holding a sign that said "Please help. I am homeless and hungry". He asked me for money, but I didn't have any. "Do you want something to eat?" His eyes watered and he nodded. So I went in, and customers were complaining about him asking for money. They wanted him to go. And I thought, how sad it would be, to need something as simple as food, and have people just HATE you for it. To have them want you to GO AWAY. People were just SO ANGRY I couldn't believe it. It made me so angry at them. Because here is this man, not dressed appropriately for the cold snap that is coming in tonight, just needing FOOD.
I bought him three big cans of soup, a box of crackers, some apples, and a spoon. Because I have, and he does not. As limited as my income is, I can find a way to share. There is food in my house, I cooked a beautiful meal for my family. I have a roof over my head, and electricity and warm blankets and food and everything I NEED. I didn't buy anything else. I left the kitchen utensils there, because what I have may not be pretty but it serves its purpose.
As I was being rung up, a male employee said "Imma tell that mothafucka to go on" and he walked to the door.
I think of the time in my life I have been $5 away from begging. And how hard it was for me to realize that had certain people not been in my life at that time, I would have been out on the streets, with kids. It is a long, sad story I will maybe tell later. "Hey! Where are YOU going when you get off of work? From your PAYING job? HOME? Are you going HOME? What did you EAT today? You can leave him the fuck alone." That's what I said to him. And he, in that haughty, superior way young men have, rolled his eyes at me.
A female customer became confrontational. "Oh, are you OFFENDED because I complained about him being out there begging? It's unappropriate. I got KIDS." (She said 'unappropriate'. I said O.o) As if having kids does not allow you to care for anyone else, as if you must only think of them and no one else, no matter what. "I really don't give a shit what you say. I don't care what you THINK. I'm pretty sure he's hungry enough to not really be worried about whether or not something is APPROPRIATE. And you know what? I hope no one treats you the way you treated him."
I argue endlessly with a friend of mine who thinks one should never give to someone begging. It's HIS hard earned money, he is not giving it away to someone BEGGING. But just because someone is begging does not mean they are worth less. WHY are they begging? We don't know. Mentally ill and homeless (most are), a drug addict run out of money (a possibility), we don't know. So maybe, we can just err on the side of compassion. Maybe not give money, maybe ask them if you can buy them something to eat. And then you did the right thing, because who cares if they are doing the right thing or not. It's not about them, whether you choose to share or not. It's about YOU. Who YOU are, and whether or not you let the world change you.
He took the bag, and walked away, without a word.
I tended the chickens, at the same time I shared some Fritos with my kid. Two of the chickens were clucking at me the whole time to just give them some chips already. I did let them try them, even though they are not healthy, but just a little bit since it delights me so much to have them eat out of my hand.
I made a batch of dog food. I noticed some changes in all three of my dogs since I started feeding them human quality food. My senior dog is more energetic. They all are, but the difference in her is really something. Shinier coats, healthier teeth, and I feed them less. I'm not sure if I'm actually saving money, but I'm pretty sure they are healthier. I don't have to worry so much about recalls on dog foods, treats, or anything like that. I make their food, once a week, and store some in the fridge and some in the freezer. Their treat are organ meats and dehydrated fruits and veggies. No chemicals, no preservatives, it is an awesome thing indeed.
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Finn, born on Halloween. |
Sometimes I am disappointed in people as a whole. I am poor. I really am. We scrape by, and do the best we can. We rarely buy new things, I am super thrifty. I refuse to allow our financial disadvantages to define us, to limit us any more than necessary. It's a hard thing, but money is just money. I recognize that while we are in dire financial straits NOW, it is not a permanent thing. While we are not able to eat out, and every penny counts and there is no carelessness with money, we have a roof over our heads, functioning utilities, food to eat. We are OKAY. We are, in many ways, thriving because of it. Building character, learning new things. If we had loads of money, would I know anything about baking? gardening? chicken keeping? cooking from scratch? Would I be as strong as I am now? No.
*Disclaimer: I am so not being sanctimonious. I am just sharing.
ANYWAY, I was with my 5 year old, we had just gone to the Redbox to rent a movie, when I decided to stop in at the store to see about some new kitchen utensils. Rubber spatulas or something, you know. My stuff is getting worn down, I wanted to replace some stuff. There was a man standing outside the door, holding a sign that said "Please help. I am homeless and hungry". He asked me for money, but I didn't have any. "Do you want something to eat?" His eyes watered and he nodded. So I went in, and customers were complaining about him asking for money. They wanted him to go. And I thought, how sad it would be, to need something as simple as food, and have people just HATE you for it. To have them want you to GO AWAY. People were just SO ANGRY I couldn't believe it. It made me so angry at them. Because here is this man, not dressed appropriately for the cold snap that is coming in tonight, just needing FOOD.
I bought him three big cans of soup, a box of crackers, some apples, and a spoon. Because I have, and he does not. As limited as my income is, I can find a way to share. There is food in my house, I cooked a beautiful meal for my family. I have a roof over my head, and electricity and warm blankets and food and everything I NEED. I didn't buy anything else. I left the kitchen utensils there, because what I have may not be pretty but it serves its purpose.
As I was being rung up, a male employee said "Imma tell that mothafucka to go on" and he walked to the door.
I think of the time in my life I have been $5 away from begging. And how hard it was for me to realize that had certain people not been in my life at that time, I would have been out on the streets, with kids. It is a long, sad story I will maybe tell later. "Hey! Where are YOU going when you get off of work? From your PAYING job? HOME? Are you going HOME? What did you EAT today? You can leave him the fuck alone." That's what I said to him. And he, in that haughty, superior way young men have, rolled his eyes at me.
A female customer became confrontational. "Oh, are you OFFENDED because I complained about him being out there begging? It's unappropriate. I got KIDS." (She said 'unappropriate'. I said O.o) As if having kids does not allow you to care for anyone else, as if you must only think of them and no one else, no matter what. "I really don't give a shit what you say. I don't care what you THINK. I'm pretty sure he's hungry enough to not really be worried about whether or not something is APPROPRIATE. And you know what? I hope no one treats you the way you treated him."
I argue endlessly with a friend of mine who thinks one should never give to someone begging. It's HIS hard earned money, he is not giving it away to someone BEGGING. But just because someone is begging does not mean they are worth less. WHY are they begging? We don't know. Mentally ill and homeless (most are), a drug addict run out of money (a possibility), we don't know. So maybe, we can just err on the side of compassion. Maybe not give money, maybe ask them if you can buy them something to eat. And then you did the right thing, because who cares if they are doing the right thing or not. It's not about them, whether you choose to share or not. It's about YOU. Who YOU are, and whether or not you let the world change you.
He took the bag, and walked away, without a word.
On Yarnbombing
I like to knit. I'm not the best at it, but it's a meditative thing for me that takes my mind of of stuff. I am always super busy, because it IS kind of like a farm here, there's a lot of work. I always feel kind of weird if I just sit around and watch a movie. There's a little voice in my head that says HEY ISN'T THERE SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW?! and the answer is always yes. But if I am doing SOMETHING, I feel alright about sitting for a while. So, the knitting.
I taught myself how to knit from a book about 5 years ago. We were living in a small town, and if you didn't go to church or have a lot of friends, there really wasn't much to do. There were 16 churches and 8 bars in that town of 2000 people. I am not exaggerating. And that was all there was to do. Not being so much the bar type, and also being an atheist, I had to find something. I loved it so much I started a knitting group at the library with the help of one of the librarians. Once a week, I would go hang out with a bunch of ladies who were all almost old enough for me to call them Gramma, and listened to their amazing life stories and knit scarf after scarf. But you can only foist so many scarves on people, and I didn't care to learn to make anything else. Now living in the city and seeing so much street art in my neighborhood, I wanted to add something to it. SO YARNBOMBS.
I've put about 30 of them up. Sometimes, they stay up for MONTHS. Sometimes, it is only days before someone decides to cut it down, or slash it up. People are almost always happy when they walk by and see me stitching on to a post or a tree, and stop to talk. Some people just think it's weird or crazy.
I've been asked by people to do 'their' sign post, light post, bike rack, tree.....but I kind of like just stitching them up wherever it strikes me to, and not thinking of it as something that 'needs' to get done because I SAID I WOULD. I like to be a free spirit about that, at least.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
I am trying to write every day even if I have nothing to say.
I made some pumpkin bread today. I neglected to take a picture of it. I'd run out of eggs (the laying is slowing down, since it's practically winter), so I looked up an egg-free recipe and it turned out wonderfully. Super moist, and more like a cake than a bread, really. Two loaves, one already demolished. I hid the second one for tomorrow.
Also in the kitchen, a beautiful batch of Amish friendship bread starter, which will be ready to be baked up this weekend. I used to keep some going all the time, but fell out of it a couple of years ago. Once, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my sister in law, who is so young and so very 'something' talking about breads. And she got up and went to her recipe box, and brought a recipe for the starter and various breads, explaining how she had gotten it from a friend. I told her I had a recipe, used to make it all the time. And she was INCREDULOUS. Who do you know that gave it to you? It's really supposed to be an Amish SECRET! Outside of the Amish, no one is supposed to have it! I did not even know what to say, I am not sure where she would get such a thing. On the inside, I was all 'Bless her heart.'
I tried to watch 'Only God Forgives' which I thought would be a great movie because Ryan Gosling. I thought maybe I am not smart enough, or artsy enough, because I could not even get through the whole thing. I looked it up to see reviews and stuff, and my opinion was confirmed. According to various critics, that is not a good movie. I am sure there are a lot of people who like it, I am not one of them.
I feel like something should be said about my leaving Facebook. It has been called 'inconveniencing people', 'being weird and anti social', and a few other things. Basically I am being told that I need to be on Facebook for the convenience of other people. How will I know about an event? How will I be invited to things? How are people supposed to get in touch with me? I am inconveniencing a lot of people, because if they want to invite me to something, they have to do a whole separate thing for me. There's no messaging me via Facebook which is what EVERYONE uses!! And I am not any better or more important than other people so just reactivate my account already. I did not know that being on Facebook was any kind of obligation I had. This is how some people react. The worst reaction was calling me a drama queen and saying I was just begging for attention. I don't think any NORMAL person would have thought that, but a couple did. My very last Facebook post explained how I really enjoy my life more and I'm more productive without Facebook. I also had some concerns about privacy (since I have very good reasons for not wanting to be found by a certain person) that I could not seem to resolve with the privacy setting options Facebook offered. I went on to share my email address and phone number (talk or text!) and said I did want to keep in touch with everyone. I got contact information via private message from some people, and left that post up for about 24 hours. There was nothing emotional about it at all. So I'm a little disappointed in some people. If I were trying to get attention, I would make it super emotional. About my deep sense of loss over those I thought were friends, over the jabs via passive aggressive status updates, over the obvious lack of caring. But, you know, I decided to keep it calm. Because it really wasn't a very emotional decision to me. It was "Wow. This sucks. I'm not doing it anymore."
I feel really good about not being on Facebook. It's a better, more productive day without it. Since I do like to take pictures of the kids, dogs, etc I went looking for a way to put them somewhere they will stay. I lost a phone once, and it had tons of pictures I had never shared online on it, and I didn't back them up, so they were lost forever. I found Path. Default settings are private, and I am not trying to be social there, just put my stuff somewhere safer than it would be on something that could get lost. It's easy, and they are better about privacy than Facebook.
I think that's it. Here's a picture of my dog, Abby. She is all around awesome.
Also in the kitchen, a beautiful batch of Amish friendship bread starter, which will be ready to be baked up this weekend. I used to keep some going all the time, but fell out of it a couple of years ago. Once, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my sister in law, who is so young and so very 'something' talking about breads. And she got up and went to her recipe box, and brought a recipe for the starter and various breads, explaining how she had gotten it from a friend. I told her I had a recipe, used to make it all the time. And she was INCREDULOUS. Who do you know that gave it to you? It's really supposed to be an Amish SECRET! Outside of the Amish, no one is supposed to have it! I did not even know what to say, I am not sure where she would get such a thing. On the inside, I was all 'Bless her heart.'
I tried to watch 'Only God Forgives' which I thought would be a great movie because Ryan Gosling. I thought maybe I am not smart enough, or artsy enough, because I could not even get through the whole thing. I looked it up to see reviews and stuff, and my opinion was confirmed. According to various critics, that is not a good movie. I am sure there are a lot of people who like it, I am not one of them.
I feel like something should be said about my leaving Facebook. It has been called 'inconveniencing people', 'being weird and anti social', and a few other things. Basically I am being told that I need to be on Facebook for the convenience of other people. How will I know about an event? How will I be invited to things? How are people supposed to get in touch with me? I am inconveniencing a lot of people, because if they want to invite me to something, they have to do a whole separate thing for me. There's no messaging me via Facebook which is what EVERYONE uses!! And I am not any better or more important than other people so just reactivate my account already. I did not know that being on Facebook was any kind of obligation I had. This is how some people react. The worst reaction was calling me a drama queen and saying I was just begging for attention. I don't think any NORMAL person would have thought that, but a couple did. My very last Facebook post explained how I really enjoy my life more and I'm more productive without Facebook. I also had some concerns about privacy (since I have very good reasons for not wanting to be found by a certain person) that I could not seem to resolve with the privacy setting options Facebook offered. I went on to share my email address and phone number (talk or text!) and said I did want to keep in touch with everyone. I got contact information via private message from some people, and left that post up for about 24 hours. There was nothing emotional about it at all. So I'm a little disappointed in some people. If I were trying to get attention, I would make it super emotional. About my deep sense of loss over those I thought were friends, over the jabs via passive aggressive status updates, over the obvious lack of caring. But, you know, I decided to keep it calm. Because it really wasn't a very emotional decision to me. It was "Wow. This sucks. I'm not doing it anymore."
I feel really good about not being on Facebook. It's a better, more productive day without it. Since I do like to take pictures of the kids, dogs, etc I went looking for a way to put them somewhere they will stay. I lost a phone once, and it had tons of pictures I had never shared online on it, and I didn't back them up, so they were lost forever. I found Path. Default settings are private, and I am not trying to be social there, just put my stuff somewhere safer than it would be on something that could get lost. It's easy, and they are better about privacy than Facebook.
I think that's it. Here's a picture of my dog, Abby. She is all around awesome.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Sun Chokes
This is my sun choke harvest this year. I dug them up weeks ago, and we are still working our way through them. There are well over 100 pounds here. I gave a lot away, sold some (here they go for $5-$7 a pound) and we are working our way through some. Some, though, I will save for next year because they do THIS:
They will, however be grown in 55 gallon barrels because all that great stuff they say about them? Disease resistant? Low maintenance? Heat tolerant? These are all things that mean this plant is invasive and will, if allowed, take over your yard. I got a bunch of them from one of the local community gardens, for FREE! so I had to take them. I listened carefully to the planting instructions the master gardener gave me, and at no point did he ever mention containers. I procrastinated, and they got shoved to the back of the refrigerator. When I finally remembered them, they were a little moldy and inedible. So I dug a trench in the middle of February thinking they wouldn't survive, but hoping they would. They did. They flourished. 13 feet tall, pounds and pounds of sun chokes per plant, and I am pretty sure there are some still lurking in the ground. Spring harvest? Maybe. They're delicious, roasted in garlic and a little oil. Also, the chickens like them.
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Fucking gorgeous. Also good for privacy. |